Monday, March 14, 2011

Proper Wing Consumption

One of my readers stresses upon what a wing should look like when finished. If there was ever a wing book, he would write the chapter on the proper way of eating a wing. He went to EJ Malloys, which has been reviewed as the best wing place in LA, and took a before and after picture of the wings. The way they look post wing session is what you need to focus on. The after picture was sent with this quote,

"Oops. I got a little bone in that bite. Just a normal hazard of a good wing session."

Everyone take note. You can learn something from this reader. Check out the before and after pics below.

***note: they are on different plates because the reader forgot to take an after pic at Malloy's. Luckily for us, the wings are so good at Malloy's that he took an order to go. He ate a few when he got home so we could get an after pic.