Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Farts Are Awesome

Alright people. First of all, I apologize about the large break between posts. I was living it up in Austin, Massachusetts, and didn’t find the time to do a new post. I will post something Austin related in the near future. Second of all, I think your opinion of me may change after this post.

I have come up with a new theory that all wings eaters like the smell of their own farts. Think about it, I guarantee that you have been lying in bed, watching TV, and you let a nice warm, silent fart go. No one is around to witness this, but you decide that it’s your duty to lift the covers a tad and get a whiff of that fart. I am not ashamed of myself, so I will admit that I have done this before. I relate this directly to smelling a batch of super nuclear wings before I eat them. I know that it’s going to sting my nostrils, but I decide to do it anyway because I want to see how deadly they are. Just like with the farts.

Now, it’s not like I have a fetish for farts or something. I have no interest in smelling anyone else’s farts, and I think that’s disgusting. But I will smell my own fart, and I will get a sense of pride if it’s a good one. So, the next time you’re getting wings and your date smells the wing order, just know that they also like to smell their own farts.

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