Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Someone Challenged My Winghood - Part 2

So I did something I never thought I would do. I ordered bleu cheese with my wings. I’m not even sure if it’s because I don’t like it, but I think I just didn’t give it a chance. My friend was right; bleu cheese complements the wing, whereas with ranch you taste too much dressing and not enough wing. The one area where my friend was wrong is the claim that ranch “is an abortion to wings.” I think that ranch is perfectly fine to dip your wing in. Sure, it may have not been the original choice when the wing recipe was invented, but I think it is a great alternative. People shouldn’t have to feel ashamed to be into ranch instead of bleu cheese. It’s the same way that some people like big chubby wings, and some like small petite wings. Some like a hotter, more spicy wing, and some like a dull boring wing. Being able to make your own decision without fear of persecution is the beauty of living in America. If I didn’t believe in that, I would just move to Canada where you don’t have the choice of ordering a hamburger without mayonnaise, or the choice of ordering fries without gravy. That’s why I am pro choice. If you want to order a dip that “is an abortion to wings,” that’s fine with me. Abort the shit out of those wings. Just don’t preach to me that one dressing should not be allowed near a wing. If that’s the case, just move to Canada and get out of the land of the free.

I’m Eric Dutton, and I’m pro choice.

(this blog in no way is associated with the views of Canadian governments)


  1. Hey Eddie-this is the first time I've read you're blog and I have to tell you that you're way of writing about hot wings and relating them to life is absolutely hilarious. Love it...I'm now a follower. : )

  2. HI, this was a really good blog..i like the 2 day response, it kept me wondering what the next day would be like...very good....I cant wait to see what tomorrows is like....
    Im a follower for life now....your stuff is hilarious....i love it.....
