Tuesday, December 7, 2010

O.G.'s Vs. Flavors

There are people who have a crazy assumption that the restaurant, Buffalo Wild Wings, has the best wings ever. These people are retarded and have obviously never been adventurous enough to try something that isn't franchised. These are the same people who think that their city is the greatest when they haven't even ventured past a 30 mile radius from the place they call home. It is my goal to make people aware of this and if they aren't lucky enough to try some of the places I will review on this blog, I hope they at least get out of their shitty shell and try something new in their area.

Before I tell you why Buffalo Wild Wings is not a good wing place, I just have to release some anger that I have towards fans of this restaurant. My friends who are in love with this place call it BW3's. Can someone please leave a comment and tell me if it's only my friends who call it BW3's, or is it everyone? Where the fuck do you get the third W from? I have asked people this and their response is, "I don't know, that's just what they call it." FUCK YOU!

Now that I got that out of the way, on to my issues with Buffalo Wild Wings. As far as the establishment goes, it's not that bad, except for some of the douchey fratty people who go there. But let's face it, any sports bar you go to is going to attract some of that crowd, and I don't think that Buffalo Wild Wings attracts any more than normal amount, so I don't want to hate on them for that fact. But I will hate on them for having Golden Tee, which was cool around the same time Britney Spears was hot. Anyway, they have a good selection of beer and they are a clean establishment, which is always key. Nothing I hate more than a place that offers me three different types of light beer, and then when I walk into the bathroom to expel their shitty selection out of my system, I have to smell piss because they rarely mop their floors. The area where Buffalo Wild Wings really slacks, is their wings.

You would think since "wings" is in the fucking name of the establishment, that they would take some time honoring the O.G. wing. For those of you lived a sheltered life and never listened to rap or saw a movie with black people in it, which is kind of hard to imagine, O.G. means Original Gangster. The hot wing is the O.G. wing. If I had to compare the hot wing to a movie character, I would compare it to O-Dog. Buffalo Wild Wings has not perfected the gangsterness of the hot wing because they have spent too much time coming up with flavors in order to please all of the Sally's out there who do not like hot wings. A wise man once told me that loving hot wings is like being in a cult. It's not for everyone. So please Buffalo Wild Wings, don't lure people into my cult by offering flavors like Parmesan Garlic and Asian Zing. I want O-Dog in my cult, not Tre Styles. If you don't understand that comparison then you need to watch more early 90's movies about life in the ghetto. And I don't want you in my cult either.


  1. To pop your comment cherry.. and explain something you were curious about... BW3 - Original (O.G.???) Name was Buffalo Wild Wings and Weck. What is Weck you ask? It's a kaiser roll with rock salt and caraway seeds on top. It's popular on the East Coast (you know, near Buffalo), and used to be on the menu at BW3; or as I usually call it, as it reads phonetically, Be-Dubs. So there's your answer :)
    Oh yeah, and while the wings there are quite tiny and not breaded, they are starting to get bigger and taste better. And don't be dissing the sauce, cuz the Spicy Garlic sauce is daaaa shhiiiitttt! I can't wait to hear about Hooters next :)

  2. Once I read "There are people who have a crazy assumption that the restaurant, Buffalo Wild Wings, has the best wings ever. These people are retarded and have obviously never been adventurous enough to try something that isn't franchised.", I knew Tigger was going to comment :)

  3. Eric - I am glad that you told me where the third W came from. I will allow people to call it BW3's as long as they know what the third W means. If you don't know and you still call it BW3's, then you're still retarded.

    A Hooters entry will be in the near future. Expect more hate to come with that one. But don't worry, I will be giving props to some places. It won't be all hatred.

  4. Anchor Bat- Buffalo, NY. "The Original"
    Next time we drive to Chicago I'm hitting it up on the way through.
