Monday, December 20, 2010

Bad Karaoke Wings - Part 2

I’m sure all of you have been waiting in angst to hear what I consider a bad karaoke wing place. Well, here you go. Dodger Stadium. I know what you’re thinking; there are no wings at Dodger Stadium. Well, where the peasants sit, they don’t serve wings. But down in the Dugout Club, where the ballers sit, they serve them. When I first sat in this area it was awesome. I was sitting a couple rows behind Tommy LaSorda and had a Blue Moon in my hand, which they don’t serve in the rest of the park. There is plenty of eye candy, the food is free, and they take your order in the stands and bring the food out to you. On hot days they have freezers full of popsicles and ice cream sandwiches. Inside they have everything from prime rib to hot dogs. They have it all. So obviously, I was blinded by the awesomeness of the Dugout Club. What I didn’t realize is that the wings were not that good. By about the third or fourth time I sat in this section, I finally realized the wings were shit. They are listed on the menu as Spicy Hot Wings. They were neither spicy nor hot. They had more of a bbq like taste to them. When I was finished eating there wasn’t even any wing residue that needed to be washed off. Once I got over the “stage presence” of Dodger Stadium, I realized that these wings were no good. Sure, they’re a good compliment when you’re sitting out in the sun, drinking a beer, and watching ManRam’s lazy ass walk to the batter’s box. But these wings aren’t even as good as Buffalo Wild Wings. And you know how I feel about that establishment.

Now I’m sure you all are wondering when I am actually going to review a place that has good wings. I will do that in the next couple of posts when I broach a few subjects that are dear to my heart. Just to give you a little taste of what’s to come, I will be talking about whether or not it’s appropriate to wear sweats in public, my views on the airport ride, and what I think of people who refer to their pet as a “rescue.” And yes, all of these subjects will be related to wings.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to where you'll go with some of these latter topics....
