Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)

Hello, friends. It’s a great day in southern California, the azaleas are in bloom, and it’s time for a tradition unlike any other. Yes, a new post from Eddie the Wingman. I know it’s been a while since my last post and instead of making an excuse as to why I have been away for so long, there’s really no point. I’ve just been lazy.

I hope everyone had a great holiday, and for my northern readers, Happy Canada Day. I had a pretty good fourth that ended up raising a question for this blog. What can’t Daryl Hall go for?

I went and saw Hall and Oates at the Hollywood Bowl, and when the great duo played “I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do),” it really made me think. What can’t he go for? Let’s take a look at this song.

Side note: how ‘bout those keys in the first minute. If Hall came to my place and started jamming a rif like that, I think I would go for anything. How could you not?

Anyway, throughout the song, Daryl Hall, or as I like to call him, DH, states he “can’t go for that” 41 times. First thing that comes to mind is why did I waste my time in college drinking to “Roxanne” when I could have been drinking to “I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do).” Second, some chick really scarred him. Here’s what he has to say,

When does it stop, where do you dare me to draw the line
You got my body now you want my soul
Don’t even think about it say no go
Now I’ll do anything you want me to
I’ll do almost anything that you want me to
But I can’t go for that
No can do.

There is only one conclusion to reach when reading those lyrics. DH was making love to someone he met back stage (Yes, making love, because DH doesn’t have sex. He’s very spiritual like that), and right before blowin’ his stuff all over her, this girl drops a digit on him. She dared him to draw the line right before taking his soul. DH is fine with doing a lot of things, in fact, almost anything. But he just can’t go for a digit in the butt…clearly. So the next time some crazy bitch tries to drop a digit on you, just refer to DH, and tell her, “I can’t go for that, no can do.” And then tell people what a bad lay she is so it doesn’t happen to anyone else.

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